詹先生於十二年前被診斷罹患口腔癌, 當時在每次打完化學療法(化療)後,就會出現口腔粘膜潰瀾、 嘔吐食慾不振及精神體力不濟等症狀,造成無法進食、 體力極度虛弱。四、五年前第二次口腔癌復發的時候, 化療也出現相同症狀,最近口腔癌第三次復發, 他非常擔心化療的時候又會像之前產生許多副作用。

今年五十歲詹先生經醫院神經內科暨神經整合治療中心主任林邵臻醫師推薦 ,於化療前開始經由靜脈施打「靜脈營養」,打完靜脈營養的隔天, 詹大哥即明顯感覺精神體力好很多, 有信心能夠撐過這一次完整療程的化學治療;故每次於化療前數天, 他會先來進行「靜脈營養」的治療,再去接受化學療法,持續打完「 靜脈營養」療程後,不僅沒有像之前一樣出現化療的副作用, 口腔黏膜潰爛情況只有輕微,食慾體力甚至變好, 且白血球指數也不再下降維持正常,還可以照常上班, 甚至有體力去爬山。

詹先生說:「沒想到打靜脈營養效果這麼好, 跟第一次化療不適情形相較起來天差地遠。 之前做完化療完全軟趴趴、不能工作, 至少要三個月以上才能完全恢復; 但現在做化療前後搭配靜脈營養注射,不僅可以正常工作, 還可以去爬山,差異性真的很大。」

神經內科暨神經整合治療中心主任林邵臻醫師表示,「靜脈營養」 不是只有打B群,而是會依照患者的狀況及需求, 做客製化的配套措施,搭配礦物質、維生素、氨基酸、代謝酵素; 且會針對患者每一次的不適情況, 打的劑量及打的方法也都會有所調整。詹大哥說:「 有哪些地方比較不舒服,只要跟林醫師反映, 醫師就會調整當次注射靜脈營養的配方內容,像之前化療後會掉髮、 起疹子、甚至指甲裂開出現甲溝炎情形,經調整後都有明顯改善。」

林邵臻醫師進一步補充說,癌症患者通常都有腸道菌叢問題, 吃進去的東西不見得能夠真的吸收,透過「靜脈營養」注射治療, 可以讓身體的代謝機能快速趨於正常,之後再針對慢性疾病做校正, 透過腸道菌叢或其他相關功能醫學檢測, 先找出患者真正疾病或是代謝異常的原因為何,再進一步進行治療。 而「靜脈營養」是一個途徑,讓患者可以先快速減緩化療不適感, 臨床上建議癌症患者可考慮額外加上「靜脈營養」注射的輔助治療, 幫助身體儲備足夠的體力應付即將到來的疾病攻勢, 或是緩解治療所可能導致的副作用, 也能讓身體機能盡快恢復原有狀態, 不過提醒注射前必須經過專業醫師的詳細評估, 以達最佳的治療效果。

Mr. Zhan was diagnosed with oral cancer 12 years ago. At each time, after every chemotherapy (chemotherapy), symptoms such as oral mucosal ulceration, vomiting loss of appetite and mental health were caused, resulting in inability to eat and extreme physical strength. weak. Four or five years ago, when the second oral cancer recurred, the same symptoms appeared in chemotherapy. Recently, oral cancer recurred for the third time. He was very worried that the chemotherapy would cause many side effects as before.

This year, Mr. Zhan, recommended by Dr. Lin Shaozhen, director of the Department of Neurology and Neurointegration Therapy of the hospital, started to use intravenous nutrition before the chemotherapy. The next day after the intravenous nutrition, Zhan Da Ge clearly felt mental strength. A lot better, I am confident that I can survive this complete course of chemotherapy. So every time before chemotherapy, he will first go to the treatment of "venous nutrition", then go to chemotherapy, and continue to finish "venous nutrition". After the treatment, not only did the side effects of chemotherapy appear as before, the oral mucosal ulceration was only mild, the appetite physical strength even improved, and the white blood cell index did not fall and remained normal. It can still go to work as usual, and even have physical strength to climb the mountain.

Mr. Zhan said: "I didn't expect the effect of intravenous nutrition to be so good. It was far worse than the first chemotherapy discomfort. Before the chemotherapy was completely soft and could not work, it took at least three months to fully recover; but now Before and after chemotherapy, with intravenous nutrition injection, not only can work normally, but also go hiking, the difference is really great."

Dr. Lin Shaozhen, director of the Department of Neurology and Neurointegration Therapy, said that "venous nutrition" is not only for group B, but for the patient's condition and needs, it is a customized measure, with minerals, vitamins, amino acids, metabolism. Enzymes; and will be adjusted for each patient's discomfort, the dose and method of playing. Dr. Zhan said: "Which places are uncomfortable, as long as they are reflected by Dr. Lin, the doctor will adjust the formula of the intravenous injection of intravenous nutrition, such as hair loss, rash, and even nail cracking after the chemotherapy. The situation has improved significantly after adjustment."

Dr. Lin Shaoxuan further added that cancer patients usually have intestinal flora problems, and the things they eat are not necessarily absorbed. Through the "intravenous nutrition" injection treatment, the metabolic function of the body can be quickly normalized. Correction for chronic diseases, through the intestinal flora or other related functional medical tests, first find out the reasons for the patient's real disease or metabolic abnormalities, and then further treatment. "Intravenous nutrition" is a way for patients to quickly slow down the feeling of chemotherapy discomfort. It is clinically recommended that cancer patients can consider supplemental treatment with additional "venous nutrition" to help the body reserve enough physical strength to cope with the upcoming disease offensive. , or to alleviate the side effects that may result from treatment, can also allow the body function to restore the original state as soon as possible, but reminded before the injection must be carefully evaluated by a professional physician to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

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Laennec is the ethical drug manufactured with JBP’s unique technologies for effective extraction of variety of growth factors, cytokines, and other physiologically active substances from the human placenta. For instance, HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) promotes the proliferation of hepatic parenchymal cells for recovery of a damaged liver. Our product safety is ensured by the most rigid safety measures among existing scientific standards.

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